Bridging the gap between Numerical analysis and Physics-informed Machine Learning: Stability and Theoretical Convergence for Stiff ODEs and PDEs
Talk, DDE24, Bremen, Germany
Talk, DDE24, Bremen, Germany
Talk, SIAM UQ24, Trieste, Italy
Talk, CCS/Italy 2023, Naples, Italy
Talk, Dynamics Days Europe 2023, Naples, Italy
Talk, Crunch Seminars, Brown, Division of Applied Mathematics
here the following video of the talk (presentation #2)
Talk, NUMTA DS23, Pizzo Calabro (VV), Italy
Talk, SIAM DS23, Portland, Oregon, USA
Talk, AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Palo Alto, California
Talk, 2022 Conference in Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Thessaloniki, Greece