
Gianluca Fabiani holds a Bachelor’s in Mathematics and a Master’s in Applied Mathematics from the University of Naples Federico II, and a PhD in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity from the School of Advanced Studies of Naples (Scuola Superiore Meridionale, SSM). He was also a Visiting Student in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. Fabiani specializes in data-driven scientific machine learning for modeling complex systems, bridging numerical analysis and machine learning to create interpretable, resource-efficient methods. His research addresses forward and inverse problems in neuroscience, epidemiology, and finance, with 14 publications, including a feature in Nature Communications, an Editor’s Pick in Chaos,

Current Position


Visiting Experiences

Research Activities

Publications Impact

From ResearchGate (RG) and Google Scholar (GS), updated up to December 14, 2024

From Scopus (2019–2023)

List of peer-reviewed publications

List of Preprints

Talks in International Conferences

Conference Organization

Local Organizing Committee:

Invited Speaker

Minisymposia Organization

Teaching (Assistant and Didactic Internship)

Peer-reviewing activity

Gianluca Fabiani has served as a reviewer for several scientific journals, covering topics related to scientific computing, dynamical systems, and multidisciplinary research. His peer review contributions include the following (total 17 reviews):




European Driving license B