This is Dr. Gianluca Fabiani home on the web!


“Exploring the intricate interplay of intelligence, numerics and patterns in the fabric of complexity”

Breaking News

  • New J comp phys paper accepted
    • Fabiani, G., Kevrekidis, I. G., Siettos, C., & Yannacopoulos, A. N., RandONets: Shallow-Networks with Random Projections for learning linear and nonlinear operators, J Comp Phys, 2024 (accepted)
    • Code public in a GitHub repository

Schematic of RandOnet

Recent publications in

  • SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 46 (4), C297-C322, Slow invariant manifolds of singularly perturbed systems via physics-informed machine learning, D Patsatzis, G Fabiani, L Russo, C Siettos screenshot

  • Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 186, 115215, Nonlinear discrete-time observers with physics-informed neural networks HV Alvarez, G Fabiani, N Kazantzis, IG Kevrekidis, C Siettos screenshot

  • Journal of Physical Oceanography 54 (7), 1389-1409, Tipping points in overturning circulation mediated by ocean mixing and the configuration and magnitude of the hydrological cycle: A simple model, A Gnanadesikan, G Fabiani, J Liu, R Gelderloos, GJ Brett, Y Kevrekidis, …
  • Soft Computing, On the accuracy of interpolation based on single-layer artificial neural networks with a focus on defeating the Runge phenomenon, F Auricchio, MR Belardo, F Calabrò, G Fabiani, AF Pascaner

Research Group Photo

screenshot From left to right: Dr. Dimitrios Patsatzis, Hector Vargas Alvarez, Me, Prof. Constantinos Siettos, Dr. Lucia Russo, Prof. Ioannis Kevrekidis, Prof. Felix Dietrich, Dr. Nikolaos Evangelou


I am a PhD student in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity (MERC) at Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM), Naples, Italy. Additionally, I recently have been a Visiting Student at Johns Hopkins University. I also got a Master’s Degree in Applied Mathematics at Federico II University. My research interests concern numerical analysis, machine learning, bifurcation analysis and mathematical modeling with particular emphasis on problems that arise in multiscale and multiphase complex systems.


Computing in Mathematics, Natural Science, Engineering and Applied Mathematics

Skills and expertise

Programming in MATLAB, C, Fortran, Python, TensorFlow

Research Topics

  1. Random Projection Neural Networks
  2. Machine Learning
  3. Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
  4. Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
  5. Complex Systems
  6. System Identification
  7. Numerical Bifurcation Analysis
  8. Complex Networks
  9. Pattern Recognition